Thursday, April 30, 2009

Old Pictures of Apartment

Originally uploaded by amyhhille
I was looking through an old Flickr set of pictures from my current apartment. This is from 2005 when I first moved in, and although I've upgraded some furniture and electronics, I like how clean and uncluttered it looks. It's a good reminder that maybe I should get rid of some stuff...

Bathroom Floor Project

My parents were in town in March, and as usual, they wanted to know if I had any "projects" in mind to do while there were visiting. I didn't think I did, and then I got to thinking about how my gold and maroon tile bathroom floors don't match my yellow and black wall tiles. I've tried to match one or the other over the years with my bathroom decor, and it just never works out. So we went to Home Depot and bought some vinyl peel-and-stick tiles. I only took off some of the backing on the tiles so they can easily be taken off when I move out of my apartment if need be. I also changed my bathroom accessories to white. Big improvement!